The standard guidance on when to change your bed mattress is every seven to eight years. This is of course a generalisation but, for the majority of mattresses, it is a fair benchmark. However, a good quality mattress that is well looked after could well last longer than seven years – in some cases for ten years or more.
The type of mattress you own can make a difference in how long it will last. For example, a hybrid mattress, composed of a combination of memory foam and springs will usually have a shorter life expectancy than a premium latex mattress.
If you want a mattress designed to last longer, choose a mattress with a guarantee. Every bespoke mattress from Endurance Beds is handcrafted in the UK and comes with a five-year guarantee.
Indicators of when to change your bed mattress
When you have slept on a mattress for years, it is very easy to overlook some uncomfortable spots, as you are so used to them. Here are some things to look out for:
• There are obvious signs of wear and tear.
• The mattress is no longer comfortable to lie on, for example, you start to feel the coils when you lie on the mattress.
• The springs have become noisy. When you start to hear creaks from your springs they are generally getting worn out, which means your mattress will be giving you less support. The noise is also not conducive to a good night’s sleep, particularly if you move a lot during the night.
• You feel achy when you get up in the morning. This could be caused by something unrelated, but if you are not aware of any other reason for feeling discomfort first thing, it is worth considering whether you might benefit from a change of mattress.
• You don’t feel refreshed even when you have had as many hours of sleep as you usually need.
If you tick one or more of the above, it’s time to think about rediscovering the joy of a good night’s sleep.
There has been a lot of research conducted into the consequences of not getting enough good quality sleep.
It is now widely recognised that insufficient sleep, particularly over a period of weeks or months, can lead to a range of health problems. For example, lack of sleep puts you at increased risk of becoming diabetic, gaining excess weight, and developing mental health problems.
This NHS article tells you more about the dangers of not getting enough sleep.
Other circumstances when you might want to change your mattress
• If you acquire a back injury. If you are suffering from back pain, it is vital to make sure you have adequate support while you rest and sleep. A sagging or damaged mattress can aggravate problems with your spine, so finding a suitably supportive mattress should be a priority.
• If you are asthmatic or have allergies and find yourself experiencing worse symptoms than usual. It is possible that allergens such as dust mites have accumulated in your mattress and are causing a reaction.
• If you start to share your bed with a partner. If you have been used to sleeping alone most of the time, you may find your mattress is less comfortable when you start to share your bed. You may find that your mattress gives you less support when there is weight on the other side of the bed, or you could find that you roll towards the centre. You may also find that you are disturbed every time your sleeping partner moves. A good quality mattress will minimise the disruption from your partner.
• If either you or your sleeping partner has gained weight.
Product: Chester Extra Firm Mattress
How to help your mattress last longer
Use a mattress protector
We might not like to dwell on it, but we all inevitably lose some sweat during the night. A good quality mattress protector will help to avoid this reaching your mattress. It will also keep any tea spillages at bay. A close-weave mattress protector can act as a barrier to dust mites, helping to minimise the risk of them building up inside your mattress.
Strip your bed completely
Remove all the bedding, including the mattress protector when you need to change the bedding, and allow the mattress to air. Open windows to let fresh air into the room and leave for at least one hour before putting on fresh bedding.
Turn your mattress
Many mattresses will benefit from being rotated. This means keeping the mattress the same way up, but turning it around so that the part your head was resting on previously moves to the foot of the bed. Some mattresses should also be turned over so that the upside becomes the underside of the mattress – when you change your bed mattress, check out the instructions for turning. It only needs to be done every few weeks, and it is worth the effort as it will keep your mattress in good condition for longer.
Place your mattress on a supportive base.
Your mattress needs to have the support of a robust divan or bed frame. If a mattress is placed on a sagging or damaged frame or slats, it cannot last as well as a mattress that is laid on a strong, supportive base. Any type of bed can give sufficient support – wooden beds, wrought iron beds, four-poster beds and upholstered beds can all provide the solid foundation you need – it’s just a matter of picking a bed of the right quality.
At Endurance Beds we can help you find the best mattress and bed to suit you. With our range of bespoke mattresses and made to measure beds, you can be sure of getting something perfect for your needs. Our luxury beds and mattresses are crafted in the UK in our Norfolk workshop from premium quality materials.
Call us now for more advice about getting the most from the mattress you own, and guidance on when to change your bed mattress for a better night’s sleep.